News on Sacraments for 2024/25
BAPTISM PREPARATION Our next baptism preparation course will be held on Saturday, September 14th from 9 – 11 am. If this is your first child being baptised here, you will need to complete the baptism preparation prior to your child’s baptism.
BAPTISM PREPARATION VOLUNTEERS We are looking for volunteers to help lead our Baptism preparation sessions. Leaders work in teams of two and their role is to guide new parents through what it means to have your child baptized in the Catholic faith. Training is available. If you are interested or just want to learn more, please contact the parish office.
SACRAMENTS We are preparing for a new year of sacrament preparation. Mark your calendar with the below start times. More information will be available as the dates get closer.
If you are interested in helping out or for more information on any of the Sacraments and volunteer positions listed below, please contact Rebecca at the parish office or email her @ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
* RCIA & RCIA Adapted for Children
Do you or someone you know of (age 7 and above) want to become Catholic? We welcome adults and children, aged 7 and above, into this journey beginning in early September. We are also in need of volunteers to help with catechesis RCIA program for adults and children.
* Sacrament Preparation Volunteers
We are looking for more volunteers to assist in our Sacramental Preparations. Volunteers are needed for RCIA/RCIC, Confirmation preparation, First Reconciliation & First Communion preparation and Baptism Preparation. Volunteering would involve: journeying with those leading the sessions, leading sessions, helping out at sacrament celebrations, helping to create a welcoming environment.
* Sacramental Preparation
First Reconciliation & First Communion
We are so excited to journey with you and your child as they prepare for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion.
What is Reconciliation?
Reconciliation also called Confession or Penance is one of the two sacraments of healing (along with anointing of the sick). Through the sacrament of reconciliation we see a priest who is acting in the person of Christ to confess our sins and receive forgiveness. Through the sacrament of reconciliation we receive God's love and Mercy. Reconciliation is one of the sacraments that we can and should receive over and over again.
What is Communion?
First Communion also called Holy Eucharist is one of the three sacraments of initiation (along with baptism and Confirmation). During a child's first Communion they receive for the first time the precious Body and Blood of Jesus. As Catholic's we believe Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist and therefore through this sacrament we are receiving Jesus into us.
What does preparation include?
The preparation period consists of five parent/ child sessions.
In preparing to receive the Holy Eucharist, Sunday Mass participation should also be a number one priority as it is one of the best ways to prepare for the sacrament.
Rebecca Sakowich
Pastoral Assistant
St. Albert Parish
Confirmation preparation is for youth in grades 6 and up. The preparation period for Confirmation includes 4 sessions that the candidate attends with a parent and a ½ day retreat. The celebration of Confirmation takes place in May. This year’s registration and session 1 will take place on September 27 or 28 from 6:30-8:00pm in the parish hall.
Sacraments are moments when heaven and earth meet – moments in time when God reaches out to us. Some sacramental celebrations such as Baptism, Confirmation, and Marriage are once in a lifetime events. Others such as the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist, become an ongoing part of our life, celebrated on a regular basis with our faith community. While sacraments are primarily God’s action in our lives, they are not magic – they call for a response on our part, a response of mind, heart and body, a response in word and in deed.
Like any celebration in the lives of individuals, families or communities, sacramental celebrations also call for preparation. In the case of baptism of infants, it is the parents who make the faith commitment – a commitment to bring up their child in the practice in the practice of the faith with all that that entails. Later as children mature, parents will work with them to prepare them for sacraments.
Parents are the primary faith educators of their children. Our Catholic schools, in a variety of ways, provide ongoing instruction in our Catholic faith as well as providing an educational milieu where Catholic Christian values can permeate all learning that takes place. This does not replace the role of the parent but supplements it. Both are needed. However, it is parents, following through on the commitment that they made at their child’s baptism, who will be the first teachers, by word and example, of what it means to be a Christian in the Catholic tradition. It is parents who will do the immediate preparation of their children for first Reconciliation, first Communion, and Confirmation. It is crucial, therefore, that parents themselves have a good knowledge and understanding of their faith.
Sacraments are normally celebrated in the parish community where a family attends Sunday Mass. Our role as your parish community is threefold:
- to support families, couples and individuals as they prepare to take these important steps on their faith journey by providing them with the information, and the resources that they need to prepare well.
- to plan for and to prepare the actual celebrations.
- to accompany individuals, couples, and families in this process through our prayers.
For parents who are “veterans” of the process (e.g., those who have prepared an older child): It is still important and beneficial to attend sacramental preparation sessions:
- From time to time new resources may be introduced which can increase our understanding of the great sacramental mysteries of our Church.
- We all need continuing refreshment for our faith journeys – we never stop learning and growing.
- You who are veterans can assist others to prepare. When we gather in small groups, we support one another and build community.
Baptism Preparation
Our next baptism preparation course will be held on Saturday, September 14th from 9 – 11 am. If this is your first child being baptised here, you will need to complete the baptism preparation prior to your child’s baptism.
BAPTISM PREPARATION VOLUNTEERS We are looking for volunteers to help lead our Baptism preparation sessions. Leaders work in teams of two and their role is to guide new parents through what it means to have your child baptized in the Catholic faith. Training is available. If you are interested or just want to learn more, please contact the parish office.
Prior to the celebration of baptism we ask that you attend baptism preparation. Please contact The Parish Office for the next baptism preparation session dates.
Marriage Preparation
All couples wishing to be married in our parish are asked to contact the parish office at least 6 months before the proposed wedding date. An initial interview with the parish priest will be set up at which time the preparatory steps for celebrating the sacrament of marriage will be explained. Because of the importance of the sacrament and of the couple, the church requires that proper preparation take place. You may contact our office for information regarding a Marriage Preparation Course.