Here is the quick access to our parish facebook page @SaintAlbertParish This is a place for those in our church to connect with our parishioners who use social media. Please like our page and share with your friends!
Latest News
- Harvest Supper
- Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast
- Bulletin on Line
- All Inquiries
- SAPY Fall Days
- Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
- Sign Up for St. Albert Flocknote
- St. Vincent de Paul Vinnies Treasure Shoppe
- Rite of Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
- Parish Email Scams
- Current Office Hours:
- Charitable Offering
- Live Streamed Masses
- Next Livestream Sunday Mass from the Basilica: 10:30 a.m.
- Our Parish Facebook Page
- Salt and Light TV
- Scammers at it Again
- Welcome to the Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton